Using H5P to Support Inclusion and Equity-Minded Course Design with Dr. Kim Johnson

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In this episode, Dr. Kim Johnson, Associate Professor in the Math Department at WCU, tells us about her use of H5P in her instruction. H5P is a tool that allows instructors to create interactive activities which they can embed directly into their online course site.

Hosted by Jessica Drass and Madison Steinbrenner.


Research Theory Connection:

López, S. R. R., Ramírez, M. T. G., & Rodríguez, I. S. R. (2021). Evaluation of the implementation of a learning object developed with H5P technology. Vivat Academia, (154), 1-24.

Sinnayah, P., Salcedo, A., & Rekhari, S. (2021). Reimagining physiology education with interactive content developed in H5P. Advances in Physiology Education, 45(1), 71-76.

Closed Captions

