All you need to know about General Education Portfolio

General Education Council and the Provost’s office sponsored two informational sessions for General Education Portfolio during August. No worries if you missed this opportunity to learn more about this Gen Ed requirement: we recorded it! See links to the recordings and slides below, along with more details about the General Education Portfolio requirement. Still have questions? Contact Director of e-portfolio, Janneken Smucker

Aug 15 session recording

Aug 21 session recording

Slide Deck

Navigating Digital Learning GEP tutorial

General Education Portfolio Requirement

Since Fall 2022, all Gen Ed courses (Academic Foundations, Distributive Disciplinary Requirements) and Additional Baccalaureate Requirement courses must identify in the syllabus one assessment artifact addressing each relevant Gen Ed goal that students will be expected to upload to their Gen Ed Google Sites ePortfolio. Note that this is not the D2L ePortfolio, or any other professional portfolio (such as LinkedIn) a student may be asked to create as part of a course or major program. It is the portfolio they create in Google Sites during FYE or upon transfer to WCU.

All Writing Emphasis  and Speaking Emphasis courses should identify one artifact for Goal 1 and one artifact for Goal 2; all other courses should identify one artifact for each of the other Goals related to the Gen Ed attributes of the courses (Goals 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, as appropriate; see the Gen Ed 2019 Program for reference). An artifact may meet more than one goal. The identified artifact(s) should be a good representation of the attribute (e.g., for a W course, the artifact should be a substantial piece of writing; for an ET course, the artifact should demonstrate ethical thinking/problem seeing/problem solving). You can find more details here

To help support students with the General Education Portfolio requirement, please use syllabus language similar to this: “You must upload [assignment name, or options] to your General Education Google Sites E-Portfolio so you will have it to reflect upon during your Capstone course. If you took FYE at WCU your first year, you should have created your portfolio then. If you have not previously created your portfolio in Google Sites for any reason, please follow these instructions for creating your Portfolio using Google Sites.”

Although faculty are not required to monitor students’ Portfolios, we are asking for your help with compliance by reminding students of the need to upload these assessments and potentially providing some small credit incentive to do so.  As we will discuss during the training, including a reflection as part of these assignments makes the use of the portfolio more meaningful for students.